Better connecting a telco to its customers, products, and business.

The challenge

Our client is a telecoms provider that offers business customers a world-class network and voice connectivity across Europe, Asia and the US. Despite big ambitions for its SD WAN services, the division was failing to meet its own high standards for customer experience. Changes were desperately needed.

Their SD-WAN division offers a more intelligent, software-defined (SD) way to build a wide area network (WAN). Its offering started out as a way to optimize traffic across MPLS and IP-based connectivity. But it has matured into a way to support everything the cloud has to offer. So they rightly pinpointed this division as one of its four strategic growth areas.

Yet competitors’ service delivery processes were more mature. For our client, there was still a whole host of manual processes required just to set up a new customer. Timelines were being missed. Customer journeys were fragmented. And its product roadmap was inflexible. All this was impacting on its ability to scale and deliver a best-in-class customer experience.


We proposed a transformative overhaul of our client’s ways of working within its SD-WAN division. We started with a forensic examination of existing working practices, customer and staff experiences, and overall performance. We defined a clear picture of how the division was actually operating and where the problems were.

Following our established Digital Transformation approach, we assessed existing ways of working from end to end to visualize the entire workflow.

Our aim was to help them establish the basis to deliver value for customers early and often. So we looked at measuring and improving the flow of DevOps activity to create predictable delivery for SD-WAN products.

At the heart of the new approach was integrating feedback, collective performance metrics, and data. That meant there would be clear ways to measure and improve the quality of their SD-WAN products in the future.

Our impact

Digital Transformation has led our client’s SD-WAN division toward its Target Operating Model.

By aligning the strategy of the business to its vision, we helped ensure high-level decision-making is pointing in the same direction.

Enterprise Transformation has accelerated product development, introduced new practices for product management and customer experience (CX), and created a roadmap for development and rollout.

Their delivery teams are now better connected to CX and product development. And the whole division is better equipped to compete after the training, coaching, and education we provided on its new ways of working.

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